TSITC 2024夏季醫藥創新暨雙重免疫治療論壇(報名截止7/31)

活動主題 : TSITC 2024 Summer Meeting - Dual I-O Summer Forum
活動時間 : 2024年8月24日(六) 上午11:00~下午16:45
活動地點 : 張榮發國際會議中心10樓1002會議室(台北市中正區中山南路11號) 線上入口 : 尚未開放 活動類型 : 實體、線上活動 報名期間 : 即日起至7/31截止 主講人 : 吳教恩、宋孟達、賴峻毅、陳三奇、謝燿宇、梁逸歆、張家崙、黃得瑞、王妤文、林泊宏等專家 主辦單位 : 台灣免疫暨腫瘤學會 協辦單位 : 臺灣血液腫瘤藥學會(TWHOPA) 報名費用 :【實體】$500元;【線上】$300元,本會及TWHOPA會員[免費],詳見下方說明。 教育積分 : (申請中)中華民國癌症醫學會、台灣內科醫學會、西醫師/(專科)護理師、藥師執業執照積分、台灣腫瘤護理學會、公務人員學習時數3小時。
  其他說明 : 收費方式 (實體/線上,僅能擇一參加)
A. 本會會員:實體/線上皆[免費]。
提供:☑電子手冊 ☑學分 ☑小贈品 ☑精緻午餐 ☑咖啡點心 ☑觀看回放影片 ☑會後授權講義下載 ☑專屬Webex連結及ID(線上場限定)

B. 臺灣血液腫瘤藥學會(TWHOPA):實體/線上皆[免費]。
TWHOPA會員,請統一點選[非會員報名]進入報名,於[繳費帳號後五碼]欄位輸入折扣碼,折扣碼請洽TWHOPA秘書處取得(任冠臻小姐 E-mail: twhopa@gmail.com)。
提供:☑電子手冊 ☑學分 ☑小贈品 ☑精緻午餐 ☑咖啡點心 ☑專屬Webex連結及ID(線上場限定)

C. 非以上兩學會會員 [收取報名費]
提供:☑電子手冊 ☑學分 ☑小贈品 ☑精緻午餐 ☑咖啡點心 ☑觀看回放影片 ☑收據
【線上場】$300元 。(須另在Webex註冊頁面登記學分需求及簽到退--尚未開放)
提供:☑電子手冊 ☑學分 ☑觀看回放影片 ☑專屬Webex連結及ID ☑收據
※Webex連結於會前1週email提供     ※線上聽講,不接受任何文字或音訊提問 


|銀行:006 合作金庫銀行(長庚分行)


1. 跨行轉帳費由匯款人自行吸收。
2. 匯款成功後7個工作日對帳,將以Email提供電子收據,恕不退費,請見諒。 
3. 報名時,請於報名頁面填入匯款帳戶後五碼,以利查帳。
4. 報名時,請務必填入真實中文姓名及正確Email, 以利收據發送。
5. 收據預設報名者姓名,如改開公司行號抬頭/打統編,請於報名頁面下方[其他]欄位中,清楚註明。




CE Webinar on Navigating USP <797> with Technology and Standardization

  Health systems have worked diligently to ensure that they are in compliance with the revised USP Chapter <797> requirements. This educational activity will demonstrate how health systems of any size can perform a gap analysis of its facility, personnel, policy and procedure development and review, environmental monitoring, and accreditation. Recognizing the important safety features of technologies and standardization of IV compounding, the education will also address how they might be implemented in small, medium, and large institutions.
  RPh, MPA, BCSCP, FASHP Activity Chair   Director, Accreditation and Medication Safety
Cardinal Health
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania PharmD, MS, BCSCP, FASHP     Director of Inpatient Pharmacy Operations
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Columbus, Ohio PharmD, MS, BCSCP   Director, 503B Program
Premier Inc.
Charlotte, North Carolina   This activity was planned to meet the educational needs of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and medication safety officers practicing in hospitals and health systems.   Welcome and Introductions
Patricia C. Kienle   Performing a Gap Analysis: Following the Vials Beyond the Pharmacy  Ashley M. Duty   Maximizing Technology and Standardization to Improve Safety of IV Compounding  Kevin N. Hansen   Faculty Discussion, Questions and Answers All Faculty   ACPE #: 0204-0000-24-403-H07-P, 0204-0000-24-403-H07-T CE Credit: 1.0 contact hour (0.10 CEU) Activity Type: Application-based Activity Fee: No charge Available: May 21, 2024 - May 21, 2025 
To receive CE credit, complete the steps below within 60 days of completing the activity. After the 60-day deadline, ASHP will no longer be able to report credits(s).

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