This Week in Oncology





Expert Insight




Story of the week


Neoadjuvant Nivolumab and Ipilimumab for Resectable Stage III Melanoma

N. Engl. J. Med; 2024 Jun 2; EPub Ahead of Print; CU Blank, MW Lucas, RA Scolyer, et al
Commentary by Prof. Dr. Alexander van Akkooi MD, PhD


Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy for Locally Advanced Mismatch Repair–Deficient Colon Cancer

N. Engl. J. Med; 2024 Jun 6; 390 (21)1949-1958; M Chalabi, YL Verschoor, PB Tan, et al
#Colon and Rectum


Osimertinib After Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III EGFR-Mutated NSCLC

N. Engl. J. Med; 2024 Jun 2; EPub Ahead of Print; S Lu, T Kato, X Dong, et al


Expert Opinion


Ten Practice Changes That I Will Make After Attending ASCO 2024

Conference Coverage; 2024 Jun 11
Written by Jeffrey Kirshner MD, FACP, FASCO


Journal Scans


Evaluating Minimal Residual Disease as an Intermediate Clinical Endpoint for Multiple Myeloma

Blood; 2024 May 20; EPub Ahead of Print; O Landgren, TJ Prior, T Masterson, et al
#Cancer Management #General Oncology #Hematology #Multiple Myeloma
Commentary by Rafael Fonseca MD


Safety of Trastuzumab Deruxtecan With a Focus on Treatment-Related Interstitial Lung Disease and/or Pneumonitis

Cancer; 2024 May 4; EPub Ahead of Print; R Li, M Hua, J Li, et al
Commentary by Reshma Mahtani DO


Long-Term Survival Outcomes With Trastuzumab Deruxtecan vs Trastuzumab Emtansine in Patients With HER2-Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer

Nat. Med.; 2024 Jun 2; EPub Ahead of Print; J Cortés, SA Hurvitz, SA Im, et al
Commentary by Elisa Agostinetto MD & Michail Ignatiadis MD, PhD


HRQoL Outcomes With Decitabine vs Intensive Chemotherapy in Older Patients With AML

Blood; 2024 May 8; EPub Ahead of Print; F Efficace, M Kicinski, C Coens, et al
#Cancer Management #General Oncology #Hematology #Leukemia
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