ISOPP Annual General Meeting (AGM) - Zoom link and Submit Questions

A global community of oncology pharmacy practitioners striving to advance cancer care

ISOPP’s 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) takes place less than a week on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at 05:00 PDT via Zoom (Click here to find your local time).
We hope you will join us to hear more about the strategic plan and a summary of past and upcoming activities. There will also be an educational session following the AGM entitled “Targeting the 10 Hallmarks of Cancer – How far have we got?” presented by Elaine Vickers, PhD.
More details are available to review in advance at the links below (remember to log in as a member).
·       AGM Agenda 2024
·       Educational session details
·       AGM Minutes 2023
Please see the Zoom link below for the AGM:
Meeting ID: 913 9882 9249
Passcode: 445341
Due to the large group size and to keep the meeting on schedule, we invite you to submit your questions in advance of the meeting using the following link:
Thank you again for being a part of the ISOPP community. I look forward to seeing you online on April 30th!
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